
Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is a mix of elected officers and volunteers. The elected officers are named in the organizational bylaws and include the President, the Vice President, and the Treasurer.

These officers consider the interests of all Baltimore Bead Society members, oversee class planning, selecting training, marketplace, and fair participation, and the conducting outreach programs. The directors promote transparency regarding all aspects of running the society to include budget management, revision of current processes and goals for the future.

PresidentStephanie DeAbreu
Vice PresidentPaulette Privott
TreasurerPriscilla Dymczenski
Elected Baltimore Bead Society Officers


The Leadership Team is a group of bead society members who are responsible for the majority of the bead society activities. They run everything from archiving past activities to planning new ones. They make our bead society run smoothly.

ArchivistSusan Davis
Artisan MarketplaceSusan Davis
Bead ChallengesGay Durland
Corresponding SecretarySusan Davis
Door Prizes and RafflesFran Pearlman & Debbie Shipley
EducationBarbara Svoboda, Celeste Thurston, Gay Durland, Paulette Privott
HospitalityBarbara Dudley
LibraryKarleen Leasure, Zan Koldewey, Diane Ringel
MembershipLisa Krell
OutreachDonna Threadgill
PhotographerJo Kim
PublicitySusann Schemm
Study GroupSusann Schemm
TechnologyJoni White, Jo Kim
Volunteer CoordinatorPaulette Privott
Baltimore Bead Society non-elected positions

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